Monday, November 21, 2011

Golden Monday

When I got up this morning it was dark. Dark and cold and really foggy outside. I had promised a friend to wear glasses today (instead of my normal contactlenses), so all in all it seemed pretty much like a bitch normal Monday.
Rolling down the hill on my bike - nothing unusual. (Except for the glasses that seemingly prevented me from crying my eyes out as I usually do).
Going inside the institute - nothing special. Just chatting with the others before the lecture started.

"I wish I could look as sexy as Charlotte sporting glasses and a bike..."

Then I opened up my computer and logged on Facebook and there it was.
A golden ticket from Willy Wonka.
A treasure chest on the bottom of the ocean.
A light at the end of the tunnel!

This is how the light at the end of winter the tunnel looks.

An invitation to fucking southern France. For two weeks. This summer.
Holy crap. I didn't believe my eyes. But a friend got permission from his parents to borrow their summerhouse in southern France for a couple of weeks and invite some friends along, and I was (one of the six) chosen one(s).
My Monday was saved. Actually I don't remember if I've ever been this happy on a Monday in November ever before.
Of course I had to spend the rest of the day (or until 14.00, at least) letting others on the institute know. They appreciated the information.

Loves it.

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