Rolling down the hill on my bike - nothing unusual. (Except for the glasses that seemingly prevented me from crying my eyes out as I usually do).
Going inside the institute - nothing special. Just chatting with the others before the lecture started.
"I wish I could look as sexy as Charlotte sporting glasses and a bike..." |
Then I opened up my computer and logged on Facebook and there it was.
A golden ticket from Willy Wonka.
A treasure chest on the bottom of the ocean.
A light at the end of the tunnel!
This is how the light at the end of |
An invitation to fucking southern France. For two weeks. This summer.
Holy crap. I didn't believe my eyes. But a friend got permission from his parents to borrow their summerhouse in southern France for a couple of weeks and invite some friends along, and I was (one of the six) chosen one(s).
My Monday was saved. Actually I don't remember if I've ever been this happy on a Monday in November ever before.
Of course I had to spend the rest of the day (or until 14.00, at least) letting others on the institute know. They appreciated the information.
Loves it.