Thursday, May 31, 2012

Apples Are Good. Apple, Though? Not So Much.

Minor rage. I've never really been a fan of Apple.
Yes, sure. Point the flamethrowers this way, go ahead.
But for real? Overpriced merchandice designed designed to break 1-3 days after the warranty expires? I guess it, objectively speaking, is rather impressive to make stuff like that. And keep one's custumors. Kudos.

If your Apple product does not remind you of something like this after the warranty has expired, well, it's probably not really Apple. Sorry.

My iPod Touch is currently doing the shuffle. Not the shuffle I want it to do, but a shuffle where it laughs at me by turning off and on by it self. Sometimes in the middle of a track. Jeez. I just can't love that on my 25-30 minute bike ride to/from work, or shopping close to a screaming kid during the rush. Also, WHY will you not let me play Wordfeud for more than one word/20 mins, iGuilty, WHY?

If I named my iPod Touch iGuilty? Why, yes, I most certainly did. On shuffle it plays popmusic rather often. Usually resulting in me dancing around like a crazy person. And jamming along. Woops.

What finally triggered this little, hating, blog-rage is that because of these problems I'm looking to buy a new one. How much that costs? Oh, $400, kinda expensive, but ok, I work a lot currently, so I guess I can afford it. Ohhh, taxes, you say, so $430? So the $400 is just your rich asses making more profit on that sleek design, yet crap product? Lovely.
And if I buy it in Denmark? The price equals somewhere around $600 - lovely, innit?
Beats me how Apple keeps owning such a large part of the market.

Don't even get me started on the iPad.
I keep wondering if it's good at absorbing liquids,

If anybody knows a nice alternative to an iPod Touch, I'd love to hear it. Preferably something that will let me geek Wordfeud.

Looks like FUN! And who has never wanted to do this?
Picture impolitely borrowed from this place.

Thursday, May 17, 2012

My 4 Month Hiatus Is Over. For Now.

I haven't been in here much the last 4 months, I know. But that's just what happened when I suddenly had less internet access than what I was (am) used to.
I've been doing so much amazing and fun stuff, and I can't sum half of it up now, so I won't bother.

One thing that I do find interesting upon returning, is that my blog is still visited. Mainly by random passers-by that google weird stuff. Some of it leaves me in a state of "... what?" - but weird Googlers, please continue to search for weird things. It's just too entertaining.
Apparently people wanting to see "fat guy on a bike demotivational" comes here. I'm not sure I have what you're looking for, but here's... Well, I wanted to give you a fatty on a bike, but found a comic insted. I'll share!

Early merry Christmas!

Meanwhile, I'm beginning to fear I'll turn into a fatty (sometimes on a bike), after having spent 7 weeks on a ship in the northern Atlantic Ocean. There I (on average) had cake every day. More than once. Yeah, that'll make most of us slightly overweight.
Now I'm looking for a job, and might become a mail(wo)man, so I guess that'll help. Also I can go running whenever I want to now, without having to consider how much my current platform is rolling. Not bad, I know!

I'm not this much overweight, but I think it's an awesome photo. And I want to try that!
(Preferably somewhere too warm for icebergs and on a boat smaller than 3500 tons...)

I somehow lost my earphones while in the Atlantic, and I'm not exactly a fan of running to begin with, so without music... Well, doesn't really work out awesomely for me. I have ordered some new ones, and they should be here any day now, so I'm anxiously checking my mail every day.
Going for tennis later, and trying to think about what I eat, so I hope I'll lose those extra kg's soon enough!

This says it all.